(1) The court must not order the offender to make reparation to a person only because the person's property is subject to a restraining order or forfeiture order under the Confiscation of Criminal Assets Act 2003
(the Confiscation Act ).
(2) To remove any doubt—
(a) an amount payable under a reparation order cannot be recovered from property that has been restrained or forfeited under the Confiscation Act
; and
(b) a reparation order for the restoration of property cannot be made for property that has been restrained or forfeited under the Confiscation Act
Note 1 Restrained property may be dealt with only in accordance with the Confiscation Act
(see that Act, s 19, def restraining order and s 33 (1)). For the exclusion of restrained property from forfeiture, see the Confiscation Act
, pt 6.
Note 2 For applications by a person who had an interest in forfeited property for the property's return or for compensation, see the Confiscation Act
, div 9.5.
(3) In this section:
"restrained"—property that has been "restrained" under the Confiscation Act
(a) property in relation to which an application for a restraining order has been made under that Act; and
(b) property in relation to which an application for a conviction forfeiture order has been made under that Act; and
(c) property subject to forfeiture under that Act.