(1) If a fine defaulter is imprisoned other than under an order under section 116ZK, the time served is to count toward reducing the amount of any outstanding fines (the outstanding liability ) for which the defaulter is liable.
(2) If the defaulter has more than 1 outstanding fine, the defaulter's outstanding liability is the aggregate amount of the defaulter's outstanding fines.
(3) The defaulter's outstanding liability is reduced at the rate of $300 for each day or part of a day for which the defaulter is imprisoned.
(4) However, a young fine defaulter's outstanding liability is reduced at the rate of $500 for each day or part of a day for which the defaulter is imprisoned.
(5) In this section:
"outstanding fine" does not include an amount payable under a reparation order under the Crimes (Sentencing) Act 2005
(a) the Territory; or
(b) a person in relation to whom a reparation order agreement mentioned in section 116ZQ is in force.