(1) An order of transfer—
(a) must direct the person in charge of the prison where the prisoner is detained to deliver the prisoner into the custody of an escort; and
(b) authorises the person in charge of the prison to follow the direction; and
(c) authorises the escort to have custody of the prisoner for the purpose of taking the prisoner from the ACT to the prison stated in the order and delivering the prisoner into the custody of the person in charge of that prison.
(2) An order of transfer under an interstate law, the Transfer of Prisoners Act 1983
(Cwlth), or both, for the transfer of a prisoner to the ACT authorises the people escorting the prisoner under that law (while in the ACT) to have custody of the prisoner for the purpose of taking the prisoner to the prison stated in the order and delivering the prisoner into the custody of the person in charge of the prison.
(3) In this section:
"escort" means any of the following:
(a) a corrections officer;
(b) a police officer;
(c) an escort.
"prison" includes a prison within the meaning of an interstate law.
"prisoner" includes a prisoner within the meaning of an interstate law or the Transfer of Prisoners Act 1983