(1) If the ACAT is considering making any of the following orders for an offender, the ACAT must, as soon as practicable, tell a registered affected victim of the offender that the ACAT is considering making the order:
(a) if section 16L (1) or (2) applies to the offender—a mental health order;
(b) a forensic mental health order;
(c) an order under the Mental Health Act 2015
, section 180 to release the offender from custody.
(2) If the ACAT makes an order mentioned in subsection (1) for an offender, the ACAT must, as soon as practicable, tell a registered affected victim of the offender—
(a) that the order has been made; and
(b) the nature and length of the order.
Note 1 The Mental Health Act 2015
, s 134 sets out information in relation to a forensic patient that must be disclosed to a registered affected person if a mental health order has been made (see that Act
, s 134 (2)). Other information may be disclosed if necessary for the registered affected person's safety and wellbeing (see that Act
, s 134 (3)). However, identifying information about a child, or a person who was a child when the offence was committed or alleged to have been committed, may only be given in certain circumstances (see that Act
, s 134 (4)).
Note 2 The ACAT need not give the information mentioned in this section to the victim if another justice agency has already given the information to the victim (see s 14E (2) (b)).
(3) In this section:
"offender"—see section 16L (3).
Note A victim can only be a registered affected person in relation to an offender who is a forensic patient.
"registered affected victim", of an offender, means a victim who is a registered affected person for an offence committed or alleged to have been committed by the offender.