(1) This section applies if the sentence administration board intends to start an inquiry into an application by an offender for—
(a) parole by an offender under the Crimes (Sentence Administration) Act 2005
, chapter 7; or
(b) the release of an offender on licence under the Crimes (Sentence Administration) Act 2005
, part 13.1.
(2) A victim of an offence to which the offender's application relates may—
(a) make an oral or written submission to the board about the granting of parole or a licence for the offender, including the likely effect on the victim, or on the victim's family, if parole or the licence were to be granted; or
(b) tell the board, orally or in writing, about any concern of the victim or the victim's family about the need to be protected from violence or harassment by the offender.
Note Under the Crimes (Sentence Administration) Act 2005
, the sentence administration board must seek a registered victim's views before starting an inquiry for parole (see that Act
, s 123) or release on licence (see that Act
, s 292) for an offender.
(3) The board, when acting in an administrative capacity, must ensure, as far as practicable, that a victim's submission is not given to a particular person if—
(a) the victim asks the board to not give the submission to the person; and
(b) a judicial officer of the board considers there is a substantial risk that giving the submission to the person would endanger the victim or anyone else.
Note The sentence administration board must ensure, as far as practicable, that documents are not given to certain people for the reason mentioned in s (3) (b) and other reasons (see Crimes (Sentence Administration) Act 2005
, s 192).
(4) If the board intends to give the victim's submission to a particular person after being asked not to by the victim under subsection (3) (a), the board must tell the victim of the board's intention.