The following information is prescribed:
(a) a statement to the effect that the vehicle (or all the person's interest in the vehicle) was sold or otherwise disposed of by the person, or any interest in the vehicle ceased to be vested in the person, before the time of the offence;
(b) a statement to the effect that, at the time of the offence, the person did not have possession or control of the vehicle;
(c) the relevant facts supporting the information mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b), including—
(i) the name and home address or business address of the person (the buyer ) to whom the vehicle (or the person's interest in the vehicle) was sold or disposed of; and
(ii) if the buyer is not an individual—the buyer's ABN or ACN, if applicable; and
(iii) the date and, if relevant to the offence, time of the sale or disposal; and
(iv) if an agent made the sale or disposal for the person—the agent's name and home address or business address; and
(v) whether the person had any interest in the vehicle at the time of the offence.
Note It is an offence to make a false or misleading statement, give false or misleading information or produce a false or misleading document (see Criminal Code
, pt 3.4).