(1) An entity may apply to the responsible director-general for the approval of a community work or social development program.
Note If a form is approved under the title="A1999-77">Act
, s 225 for this provision, the form must be used.
(2) The application must—
(a) state the name and contact details of a nominated person for the program; and
(b) provide details of the program, including the following:
(i) the proposed activities under the program;
(ii) the people that the program is aimed at;
(iii) the entity's experience and qualifications in providing this program or the same kind of program;
(iv) if an entity other than the entity is to provide part or all of the program—that entity's experience and qualifications in providing this program or the same kind of program;
(v) the place where the program will be provided;
(vi) the risk management arrangements for the program; and
(c) state details of the insurance cover that relates to the provision of the program, including public liability insurance; and
(d) state details of occupational health and safety policies and procedures that relates to the provision of the program, and
(e) state details of the entity's governance arrangements, including financial management, accountability and management of conflicts of interest; and
(f) if the program is treatment mentioned in section 16D (2)—include a treatment plan by a health practitioner for the person to be treated under the program.
(3) The application must also include a statement by a person authorised by the entity that—
(a) the entity undertakes to comply with the reporting requirements for the program; and
(b) the entity undertakes to comply with the record-keeping requirements for the program; and
(c) the entity acknowledges that the program and matters relating to the program may be independently audited, and the entity undertakes to cooperate with any audit; and
(d) the entity undertakes to have a complaints procedure available for people participating in the program because of an infringement notice management plan.
Note Entities must also comply with any legislation that applies to them, including the “b title="A2004-5">Human Rights Act 2004
and the “b title="A1991-81">Discrimination Act 1991