52 Modification of Act, pt 7, s 83—Act, s 152
The Act, section 83 is modified by inserting the following subsections:
(3) This section does not apply to advertisements prepared or published before 1 September 2004.
(4) The Legislation Act, section 88 (Repeal does not end effect of transitional laws etc) does not apply to subsection (3).
(5) Subsections (3) and (4) and this subsection expire 6 months after the day this subsection commences.
53 Modification of Act, pt 13, s 137 (2)—Act, s 152
The Act, section 137 (2) is modified by substituting the following subsection:
(2) The person is taken to hold a plumbers licence in the occupation class fire sprinkler fitter.
54 Modification of Act, pt 13—Act, s 152
The Act is modified by inserting the following sections:
151 Supervision by nominees—Act, s 28 (3) (b)
(1) A reference in the Act, section 28 (3) (b) to a nominee being responsible for the supervision of different construction services (whether in a different construction occupation or occupation class or otherwise) provided by a corporation or partnership is, for a construction service provided by the corporation or partnership after 9 September 2004 but before 9 September 2005, taken to be a reference to the nominee being responsible for the supervision of stated construction services provided by the corporation or partnership.
(2) This section expires on 9 September 2005.
151A Water and Sewerage Act, s 49 (5)
A reference in the Water and Sewerage Act 2000 , section 49 (5) to an Australian Standard includes a reference to an Australian/New Zealand Standard.
55 Modification of Act, dictionary, definition of AS 3500— Act, s 152
The Act, dictionary, is modified by substituting the following definition:
AS 3500 means the following standards, as in force from time to time:
(a) AS 3500.1.1;
(b) AS 3500.2.1;
(c) AS/NZS 3500.