3614 Admission—oath or affirmation
(1) A person must, before being admitted, take an oath or make an affirmation before the court.
(2) An oath taken under this rule must be in the following form:
I, ( name ), swear that I will well and honestly conduct myself in the practice of law as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory according to the best of my knowledge and ability.
So help me God!
(3) An affirmation made under this rule must be in the following form:
I, ( name ), solemnly and sincerely affirm that I will well and honestly conduct myself in the practice of law as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory according to the best of my knowledge and ability.
3615 Admission—entry on local roll
After a person is admitted, the registrar must enter on the local roll—
(a) the person's name; and
(b) the date of the person's admission.