(a) by omitting subregulation (27) and substituting the following subregulations:
“(27) Every full-flush closet-pan shall be furnished with—
(a) a separate single-flush cistern of not less than 11 litres capacity giving an effective flush of not more than 10 litres and for test purposes 9 litres; or
(b) a separate dual-flush cistern of not less than 11 litres capacity giving an effective full-flush of not more than 10 litres and for test purposes 9 litres, and giving an effective half-flush of not more than 5.5 litres and for test purposes 4.5 litres.
“(28) Every reduced-flush closet-pan shall be furnished with—
(a) a separate single-flush cistern of not less than 8 litres capacity giving an effective flush of not more than 7 litres and for test purposes 6 litres; or
(b) a separate dual-flush cistern of not less than 8 litres capacity giving an effective full-flush of not more than 7 litres, and for test purposes 6 litres, and giving an effective half-flush of not more than 4 litres and for test purposes 3 litres.”; and
(b) by omitting paragraph (32) (a) and substituting the following paragraph:
“(a) automatically controls the amount of water used in such a manner that each flush uses—
(i) in the case of a full-flush closet-pan—not less than 9 and not more than 10 litres of water; or
(ii) in the case of a reduced-flush closet-pan—not less than 6 and not more than 7 litres of water; and”; and
(c) by adding at the end the following subregulation:
“(35) In this regulation—
(a) a full-flush closet-pan is a closet-pan conforming to the description of the full flush pan in Australian Standard 1172; and
(b) a reduced-flush closet-pan is a closet-pan conforming to the description of the reduced flush pan in Australian Standard 1172.”.