(a) by omitting subregulations (27), (28) and (32) and substituting the following subregulations:
“(27) Where a closet-pan and cistern are to be installed, a reduced-flush closet-pan and a dual flush 6/3 litre cistern shall be installed.
“(28) Where a closet-pan is to be installed, a reduced-flush closet-pan shall be installed.
“(29) Where a cistern is to be installed so as to be connected to an existing full-flush closet-pan, a separate dual flush cistern which—
(a) is of not less than 11 litres capacity;
(b) gives an effective full-flush of not more than 10 litres and for test purposes 9 litres; and
(c) gives an effective half-flush of not more than 5.5 litres and for test purposes 4.5 litres;
shall be installed.
“(30) Where a cistern is to be installed so as to be connected to an existing reduced-flush closet-pan a dual flush 6/3 litre cistern shall be installed.
“(31) Closet-pans flushed with water drawn from a central storage cistern installed before 1 January 1994 shall—
(a) where the pan is a full-flush closet-pan—be flushed with an effective full-flush of not more than 10 litres and for test purposes 9 litres; or
(b) where the pan is a reduced-flush closet-pan—be flushed with an effective full-flush of not more than 10 litres and for test purposes either 6 or 9 litres.
“(32) Where a full-flush closet-pan is flushed—
(a) with water drawn from a central storage cistern; and
(b) by control fittings which allow the user to determine whether to give a full-flush or half-flush;
the pan may be flushed with a half-flush of not less than 4.5 litres and not more than 5.5 litres.
“(33) Where a reduced-flush closet-pan is flushed—
(a) with water drawn from a central storage cistern; and
(b) by control fittings which allow the user to determine whether to give a full-flush or half-flush;
the pan may be flushed with a half-flush of not less than 3 litres and not more than 4 litres.
“(33A) Where a central storage cistern installation is to be installed—
(a) reduced-flush closet-pans; and
(b) control fittings which automatically control the amount of water used in such a manner that each flush uses—
(i) on a full-flush—not less than 6 and not more than 7 litres of water; or
(ii) on a half-flush—not less than 3 and not more than 4 litres of water;
shall be installed.”;
(b) by omitting from paragraph (35) (a) “and”;
(c) by adding at the end of paragraph (35) (b) “and”; and
(d) by adding at the end of subregulation (35) the following paragraph:
“(c) a dual flush 6/3 litre cistern is one which is of not less than 8 litres capacity giving an effective full-flush of not more than 7 litres and for test purposes 6 litres and giving an effective half-flush of not more than 4 litres and for test purposes 3 litres.”.