(1) A shotfirer using mains firing must ensure that—
(a) the mains circuit has adequate electrical capacity to fire the firing circuit; and
(b) the firing switch is installed between the source of electric power and the firing cable; and
(c) the switch is protected by a short-circuit device on the cable side to prevent an electrical current entering the firing cable when the switch is open; and
(d) the firing switch and the short-circuit device are placed in switchboxes that are—
(i) in a fixed and safe position; and
(ii) provided with an effective lock from which the key cannot be removed unless the box is closed and locked; and
(iii) so constructed that the box can neither be closed nor locked unless the switch or device is in the open position and the short-circuit device is in place.
(2) A shotfirer using mains firing must also ensure that—
(a) a switchbox has only a single key; and
(b) the key is in shotfirer's possession and control while he or she is on duty; and
(c) the switchbox is locked after a blasting operation.