(1) The linked jackpot contract may provide for the licensee to pay a fee to the permit-holder for use of the linked jackpot arrangement (the link service fee ).
(2) A link service fee must be worked out at the same rate for each linked licensee under the linked jackpot arrangement.
(3) A link service fee for a linked jackpot arrangement must be fair and reasonable, having regard to the following considerations:
(a) the amount spent by the permit-holder to set up the arrangement;
(b) the amount spent by the permit-holder to operate the arrangement;
(c) the best interests of each linked licensee and the people who play the machines in the linked jackpot arrangement;
(d) anything else relevant to the costs and returns of the arrangement for both the permit-holder and the linked licensee.
(4) A link service fee is not part of, or related to, the linked licensee's linked jackpot contributions.