SCHEDULE 3 Regulation 14
1. If the measurement marking is to be expressed in terms of mass, the permissible units of measurement are as follows:
(a) kilogram is permissible in all cases;
(b) gram is also permissible if the mass does not exceed 1,000 grams;
(c) milligram is also permissible if the mass does not exceed 1,000 milligrams.
2. If the measurement marking is to be expressed in terms of volume, the permissible units of measurement are as follows:
(a) litre is permissible for liquids in all cases;
(b) cubic metre is permissible for solids in all cases;
(c) millilitre is also permissible in the case of a liquid if the volume does not exceed 1,000 millilitres;
(d) cubic centimetre is also permissible in the case of a solid if the volume does not exceed 1,000 cubic centimetres.
3. If the measurement marking is to be expressed in terms of linear measurement, the permissible units of measurement are as follows:
(a) metre is permissible in all cases;
(b) centimetre is also permissible if the length does not exceed 100 centimetres;
(c) millimetre is also permissible if the length does not exceed 1,000 millimetres;
(d) millimetre is also permissible in the case of paper lengths not exceeding 10,000 millimetres, building material in sheet form and coated abrasive belts;
(e) millimetre is also permissible in the case of an article if it was customary before these Regulations commenced to express the linear measurement of the article in millimetres.
4. If the measurement marking is to be expressed in terms of superficial measurement, any unit of superficial measurement is permissible.
5. If the measurement marking is to be expressed in terms of mass per specified length, the permissible units of measurement are grams for mass and kilometres for length.