(1) A person may apply to the chief executive for a licence to carry out a class of high risk work.
Note If a form is approved under the Act, s 229 for this provision, the form must be used.
(2) The application must state each class of high risk work for which the licence is required.
(3) The person must make the application not later than—
(a) 60 days after the day the person receives a statement of attainment for the class of high risk work; or
(b) if the chief executive allows a later time—the later time.
(4) The application must be accompanied by the following:
(a) evidence of the applicant's identity and age;
(b) a sample of the person's usual signature;
(c) a recent photograph of the applicant;
(d) either—
(i) a statement of attainment issued to the person for each class of high risk work; or
(ii) a certified copy of a national licence to carry out each class of high risk work under a corresponding law;
(e) a statutory declaration stating whether the applicant, in the 5 years before the day the application is made—
(i) has held a certificate of competency, a licence to carry out high risk work, or a recognised qualification to carry out high risk work under a corresponding law, that has been suspended or cancelled; and
(ii) has been convicted or found guilty of a serious offence under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1989 , the Work Safety Act 2008 , the Crimes Act 1900 , part 2A (Industrial manslaughter) or a corresponding offence against the law of a State; and
Note State includes the Northern Territory (see Legislation Act, dict, pt 1, def State ).
(f) any other document or further information required in writing by the chief executive that is relevant to the application.
Note A fee may be determined under the Act, s 228 for this provision.