(1) This section applies if a work safety representative for a worker consultation unit believes on reasonable grounds that there is an immediate threat to the work safety of a represented worker unless the worker stops carrying out particular work.
(2) The work safety representative must—
(a) tell a supervisor supervising the worker's work about the threat to the worker's work safety; or
(b) if a supervisor cannot be contacted immediately—direct the worker to stop, in a safe way, carrying out the work and, as soon as practicable, tell a supervisor that the direction has been given.
(3) If a supervisor is told about a threat under subsection (2) (a), the supervisor must do what the supervisor considers appropriate to remove the threat, including directing the worker to stop, in a safe way, carrying out the work.
(4) The work safety representative or the supervisor who is told about the threat under subsection (2) may ask the chief executive to arrange for an inspector to investigate the worker's work if—
(a) if the supervisor is told about the threat under subsection (2) (a)—the representative and supervisor cannot agree that what the supervisor has done is sufficient to remove the threat; or
(b) if the supervisor is told about the direction given under subsection (2) (b)—the representative and supervisor cannot agree that the direction is necessary.
(5) If a request is made under subsection (4)—
(a) the chief executive must arrange an inspector to investigate the work; and
(b) the inspector must exercise the inspector's powers under the Act that the inspector considers necessary in relation to the work.