(1) The AASL debt indexation factor for 1 June in a financial year is the number (rounded to 3 decimal places) worked out as follows:
Method statement
Step 1. Add:
(a) the index number for the quarter ending on 31 March in that financial year; and
(b) the index numbers for the 3 quarters that immediately preceded that quarter.
Step 2. Add:
(a) the index number for the quarter ending on 31 March in the immediately preceding financial year; and
(b) the index numbers for the 3 quarters that immediately preceded that quarter.
Step 3. The AASL debt indexation factor for 1 June in the financial year is the result of step 1 divided by the result of step 2.
(2) For the purposes of rounding an AASL debt indexation factor, the third decimal place is rounded up if, apart from the rounding:
(a) the factor would have 4 or more decimal places; and
(b) the fourth decimal place would be a number greater than 4.