(1) An entity mentioned in subsection (3), that may lawfully use or disclose examination material, may lawfully use or disclose the material for the purpose of obtaining derivative material if the use or disclosure is:
(a) a pre - charge use or disclosure of the material; or
(b) a post - charge use or disclosure of pre - charge examination material; or
(c) a post - charge use or disclosure of post - charge examination material; or
(d) a pre - confiscation application use or disclosure of the examination material; or
(e) a post - confiscation application use or disclosure of pre - confiscation application examination material; or
(f) a post - confiscation application use or disclosure of post - confiscation application examination material.
(2) Subsection (1) has effect subject to:
(a) any relevant direction given under subsection 25A(9); and
(b) paragraph 25C(1)(b), in the case of a disclosure to a prosecutor of the examinee.
Subsection (1) does not, by implication, limit the use or disclosure of the examination material for any other purpose.
(3) The entities are as follows:
(a) an examiner;
(b) the CEO or a member of the staff of the ACC;
(c) a person or body investigating whether the examinee committed an offence against a law of the Commonwealth, or of a State or Territory;
(d) a prosecutor of the examinee;
(e) a prosecuting authority;
(f) a proceeds of crime authority;
(g) any other person or body lawfully in possession of the examination material.
(4) Without limiting its effect apart from this subsection, this Act also has the effect it would have if:
(a) one or more of paragraphs (1)(b), (c), (e) and (f) had not been enacted; or
(b) subsection (3) were, by express provision, confined to persons or bodies other than either or both of the following:
(i) prosecutors of the examinee;
(ii) proceeds of crime authorities.