(1) The Authority shall consist of a Chairperson and 4 other members, as provided by this section.
(2) The Chairperson may be appointed on a full - time or part - time basis.
(3) If the Chairperson is appointed on a full - time basis, the Chairperson shall also be the Chief Executive and there shall be 4 non - executive members.
(4) If the Chairperson is appointed on a part - time basis, there shall be a separate Chief Executive and 3 other non - executive members.
(5) The Chief Executive (if any) appointed under subsection ( 4) shall be appointed on a full - time basis.
(6) The non - executive members shall be appointed on a part - time basis.
(7) The members shall be appointed by the Governor - General, and hold office on such terms and conditions (in respect of matters not provided for by this Act) as are determined by the Governor - General.