(1) A person is an eligible child of an invalid, or covered ADF member, who dies if the person is under subsection (2) a child of the invalid or member and either:
(a) the person is under 18; or
(b) the person:
(i) is at least 18 but under 25; and
(ii) is receiving full - time education at a school, college or university or other full - time education approved by CSC for the purposes of this subparagraph.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the person is a child of the invalid or member if:
(a) the person is, for the purposes of the Family Law Act 1975 , a child of the invalid or member; or
(b) the person is an ex - nuptial child of the invalid or member; or
(c) the person was a step - child, an adopted child, a foster child or a ward of the invalid or member when the invalid or member died; or
(d) the person was wholly or substantially dependent upon the invalid or member when the invalid or member died, and either:
(i) is, for the purposes of the Family Law Act 1975 , a child of a surviving spouse of the invalid or member; or
(ii) is a child or ex - nuptial child of a surviving spouse of the invalid or member.
The paragraphs of this subsection do not limit one another.