(1) The input tax credit to which you are entitled for a * creditable acquisition is attributable to:
(a) the tax period in which you provide any of the * consideration for the acquisition; or
(b) if, before you provide any of the consideration, an * invoice is issued relating to the acquisition--the tax period in which the invoice is issued.
(2) However, if you * account on a cash basis, then:
(a) if, in a tax period, you provide all of the * consideration for a * creditable acquisition--the input tax credit for the acquisition is attributable to that tax period; or
(b) if, in a tax period, you provide part of the consideration--the input tax credit for the acquisition is attributable to that tax period, but only to the extent that you provided the consideration in that tax period; or
(c) if, in a tax period, none of the consideration is provided--none of the input tax credit for the acquisition is attributable to that tax period.
(3) If you do not hold a * tax invoice for a * creditable acquisition when you give to the Commissioner a * GST return for the tax period to which the input tax credit (or any part of the input tax credit) on the acquisition would otherwise be attributable:
(a) the input tax credit (including any part of the input tax credit) is not attributable to that tax period; and
(b) the input tax credit (or part) is attributable to the first tax period for which you give to the Commissioner a GST return at a time when you hold that tax invoice.
However, this subsection does not apply in circumstances of a kind determined in writing by the Commissioner to be circumstances in which the requirement for a tax invoice does not apply.
For the giving of GST returns to the Commissioner, see Division 31.
(4) If the * GST return for a tax period does not take into account an input tax credit attributable to that tax period:
(a) the input tax credit is not attributable to that tax period; and
(b) the input tax credit is attributable to the first tax period for which you give the Commissioner a GST return that does take it into account.
Note: Section 93 - 5 or 93 - 15 may provide a time limit on your entitlement to an input tax credit.