(1) The making of any payment by an insurer to an entity is not treated as * consideration for a supply to the insurer by the entity, to the extent that:
(a) the payment is made in settlement of a claim under an * insurance policy under which the entity is not insured; and
(b) the payment is to discharge a liability owed to that entity by the entity insured.
(2) The making of any supply by an insurer to an entity:
(a) is not to be treated as a * taxable supply by the insurer; and
(b) is not to be treated as * consideration for a supply to the insurer by the entity, or any other entity;
to the extent that:
(c) the supply is made in settlement of a claim under an * insurance policy under which the entity is not insured; and
(d) the supply is to discharge a liability owed to that entity by the entity insured.
(3) This section has effect despite section 9 - 5 (which is about what are taxable supplies) and section 9 - 15 (which is about consideration).