(1) Under paragraph 11(1)(b), the * Registrar enters in the * Australian Business Register in relation to each * entity registered in the Register:
(a) the entity's name; and
(b) the entity's * ABN; and
(c) the date of effect of the registration.
(2) The * Registrar must also enter the following details in the * Australian Business Register in relation to the * entity:
(a) an address for service of notices under this Act;
(aa) details about the entity's * associates that were requested in the * approved form for registration in that Register;
(b) the details prescribed in the regulations.
(3) Under section 11A, the * Registrar enters in the * Australian Business Register in relation to each representative registered in the Register:
(a) the representative's name; and
(b) the representative's email address; and
(c) the date of effect of the registration.
(4) The * Registrar must also enter in the * Australian Business Register in relation to a representative the details prescribed in the regulations.
Note 1: Section 30 - 229 of the ITAA 1997 also requires the Registrar to make entries in the Australian Business Register about entities gifts to which are tax - deductible.
Note 2: Section 426 - 65 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 also requires the Registrar to make entries in the Australian Business Register about entities that are endorsed in the ways mentioned in that section.