(1) If the sum of the amounts of * producer rebates that you claim because of subsection 19 - 5(1) for * tax periods during the * financial year exceeds the amount of the * producer rebates to which you are entitled in respect of the financial year, you are liable to pay an amount equal to that excess.
(1A) If the sum of the amounts of * producer rebates that you claim because of subsection 19 - 5(2) for the * financial year exceeds the amount of the producer rebates to which you are entitled in respect of that financial year, you are liable to pay an amount equal to that excess.
(2) Subsection ( 3) applies if a * producer is an * associated producer of one or more other producers for a * financial year and the * producer rebates claimed by those producers as a group for the financial year under this Division is more than $350,000 .
(3) Each * producer member of the group is jointly and severally liable to pay an amount equal to the excess. However, none of the individual producer members is liable to pay an amount that exceeds the sum of the amounts of * producer rebates that that producer claimed for the * financial year.
(4) An amount payable under this section is to be treated as if it were wine tax payable at the end of the * financial year, and, except in the case of a * New Zealand participant, for the purposes of Part 5, were attributable to the last tax period of the financial year.
Note: The main effect of treating the amount as if it were wine tax is to apply the collection and recovery rules in Part 3 - 10 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 .
(5) For the purposes of the application of Parts 3 - 10 and 4 - 1 in Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 , a * producer rebate under subsection 19 - 5(2) is to be treated as a net amount .
Table of Subdivisions
21 - A General
21 - B Members of GST groups
21 - C Participants in GST joint ventures