The Director - General must, as soon as practicable, give each of the following to the Inspector - General of Intelligence and Security:
(a) for each request for a questioning warrant--a copy of the request;
(b) for each questioning warrant--a copy of the warrant, or of the written record of the warrant made in accordance with subsection 34BF(3), as the case requires;
(c) for each request to vary a questioning warrant--a copy of the request;
(d) for each variation to a questioning warrant--a copy of the variation, or of the written record of the variation made in accordance with subsection 34BG(7), as the case requires;
(e) a statement containing details of any seizure or apprehension under this Division;
(f) if the Director - General is informed of a concern of the Inspector - General under section 34DM--a statement describing any action the Director - General has taken as a result;
(g) a copy of any video recording made under section 34DP.
Note 1: If a request for a questioning warrant is made orally, the Director - General is also required to provide the written record of the request as soon as practicable, and no later than 48 hours after the request is made, to the Inspector - General: see paragraph 34B(6)(b).
Note 2: If a request to vary a questioning warrant is made orally, the Director - General is also required to provide the written record of the request as soon as practicable, and no later than 48 hours after the request is made, to the Inspector - General: see paragraph 34BG(5)(b).