(1) A commercial television broadcasting licensee must not breach a condition of the licence set out in subclause 7(1) of Schedule 2.
(2) A subscription television broadcasting licensee must not breach a condition of a subscription television broadcasting licence set out in:
(a) section 103P, 103Q, 103S, 103T, 103V, 103W, 103Y or 103Z; or
(b) subclause 10(1) of Schedule 2.
(3) A commercial radio broadcasting licensee must not breach a condition of the licence set out in subclause 8(1) of Schedule 2.
(4) A community broadcasting licensee (other than a temporary community broadcasting licensee) must not breach a condition of the licence set out in subclause 9(1) of Schedule 2.
(5) A temporary community broadcasting licensee must not breach a condition of the licence set out in subclause 9(1) (other than paragraph 9(1)(h)) of Schedule 2.
(6) A person who provides a subscription radio broadcasting service, a subscription narrowcasting service or an open narrowcasting service must not breach a condition set out in subclause 11(1) of Schedule 2.
Civil penalty
(7) Subsections (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) are civil penalty provisions.
Continuing breaches
(8) A person who contravenes a provision of this section commits a separate contravention of that provision in respect of each day (including a day of the making of a relevant civil penalty order or any subsequent day) during which the contravention continues.