The following provisions apply, with any necessary changes, to a corresponding witness identity protection certificate as if it were a witness identity protection certificate given under section 15ME:
(a) section 15MH (filing and notification);
(b) section 15MI (leave for non - compliance);
(c) section 15MJ (effect of witness identity protection certificate);
(d) section 15MK (orders to protect operative's identity etc.);
(e) section 15ML (disclosure of operative's identity to presiding officer);
(f) section 15MM (disclosure of operative's identity etc. despite certificate);
(g) section 15MN (application for leave--joinder as respondent);
(h) section 15MO (directions to jury);
(i) section 15MP (adjournment for appeal decision);
(j) section 15MS (disclosure offences);
(k) section 15MT (evidentiary certificates).