(1) This section has effect if the Minister refers to the Copyright Tribunal under paragraph 135ZZZP(2)(b) the question whether the declaration of a body as a collecting society should be revoked.
(2) The parties to the reference are:
(a) the Minister; and
(b) the collecting society; and
(c) any person made a party by the Tribunal.
(3) The Tribunal may make a person a party if:
(a) the person asks to be made a party; and
(b) the Tribunal thinks that the person has a sufficient interest in the question whether the declaration of the collecting society should be revoked.
(4) After giving each party an opportunity to present its case, the Tribunal must:
(a) revoke the declaration of the collecting society under subsection 135ZZZP(3); or
(b) refuse to revoke the declaration.
(5) If the Tribunal revokes the declaration of the collecting society:
(a) the revocation must specify the day on which it takes effect; and
(b) the Registrar must publish notice of the revocation in the Gazette .