If the work is a literary, dramatic or musical work, it is an act of false attribution in relation to the author of the work:
(a) to insert or affix, or to authorise the inserting or affixing of, a person's name in or on the work, or in or on a reproduction of the work, in such a way as:
(i) to imply falsely that the person is the author or an author of the work; or
(ii) to imply falsely that the work is an adaptation of a work of the person; or
(b) to deal with the work with a person's name so inserted or affixed, if the attributor knows that the person is not an author of the work or that the work is not an adaptation of a work of the person, as the case may be; or
(c) to deal with a reproduction of the work, being a reproduction in or on which a person's name has been so inserted or affixed, if the attributor knows that the person is not an author of the work or that the work is not an adaptation of a work of the person, as the case may be; or
(d) to perform the work in public, or communicate it to the public, as being a work of which a person is the author or as being an adaptation of a work of a person, if the attributor knows that the person is not an author of the work or that the work is not an adaptation of the work of the person, as the case may be.