(1) At the beginning of a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement, there must be:
(a) a statement that it is a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement; and
(b) an identification of the Product Disclosure Statement it replaces.
(2) The title "Replacement Product Disclosure Statement" must be used on the cover of, or at or near the front of, a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement.
(3) In any other part of a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement, "Replacement Product Disclosure Statement" may be abbreviated to "RPDS".
(4) Otherwise, section 1012J and Subdivision C (apart from section 1013B) apply in relation to a Replacement Product Disclosure Statement in the same way as they apply to a Product Disclosure Statement.
Note: Section 1012J provides that the information in a Product Disclosure Statement must be up to date at the time it is given. Subdivision C deals with the preparation and content of Product Disclosure Statements.