(1) Sections 253C and 253D do not apply in relation to a CCIV or a sub - fund of a CCIV.
(2) At a meeting of members of a CCIV:
(a) on a show of hands, each member has 1 vote; and
(b) on a poll, each member has 1 vote for each dollar of the value of the total shares in the CCIV that the member holds; and
(c) the chair has a casting vote, and also, if the chair is a member, any vote the chair has in the chair's capacity as a member; and
(d) if a share is held jointly and more than one member votes in respect of that share--only the vote of the member whose name appears first in the register of members counts.
(3) At a meeting of members of a sub - fund of a CCIV:
(a) on a show of hands, each member has 1 vote; and
(b) on a poll, each member has 1 vote for each dollar of the value of the total shares in the CCIV that:
(i) are held by the member; and
(ii) are referable to the sub - fund; and
(c) the chair has a casting vote, and also, if the chair is a member, any vote the chair has in the chair's capacity as a member; and
(d) if a share that is referable to the sub - fund is held jointly and more than one member votes in respect of that share--only the vote of the member whose name appears first in the register of members counts.