(1) ASIC must keep a Register of Authorised Audit Companies for the purposes of this Act.
(2) In relation to each authorised audit company, ASIC must enter in the Register:
(a) the name of the company; and
(b) the company's ACN or ABN; and
(c) the day on which the company's registration under section 1299C took effect; and
(d) the address of the company's registered office; and
(e) the address of the principal place where the company practises as an auditor and the address of the other places (if any) at which the company so practises; and
(f) the name and address of:
(i) each director of the company; and
(ii) each person who performs a chief executive officer function (within the meaning of section 295A) in relation to the company; and
(g) the details of any conditions or restrictions determined under paragraph 1299D(1)(c) in relation to the registration; and
(h) details of any suspension of the registration.
(3) ASIC may enter in the Register in relation to the company any other details that ASIC considers appropriate.
(4) If a company ceases to be registered as an authorised audit company, ASIC must remove the entry in relation to the company from the Register.
(5) A person may inspect and make copies of, or take extracts from, the Register.