(1) On application by all the parties to a contract, the Commission must:
(a) register the contract by entering the following details on a public register:
(i) the names of the parties to the contract;
(ii) the service to which the contract relates;
(iii) the date on which the contract was made; or
(b) decide not to register the contract.
(2) In deciding whether to register a contract, the Commission must take into account:
(aa) the objects of this Part; and
(a) the public interest, including the public interest in having competition in markets (whether or not in Australia); and
(b) the interests of all persons who have rights to use the service to which the contract relates.
(2A) The Commission must not register a contract if it deals with a matter or matters relating to access to the service that are dealt with in an access undertaking that is in operation.
(3) The Commission must publish a decision not to register a contract.
(4) If the Commission publishes a decision not to register a contract, it must give the parties to the contract reasons for the decision when it publishes the decision.