In assessing damages in respect of liability under the Convention there shall not be taken into account by way of reduction of the damages:
(a) a sum paid or payable on the death of, or personal injury to, a passenger under a contract of insurance; or
(b) a sum paid or payable out of a superannuation, provident or like fund, or by way of benefit from a friendly society, benefit society or trade union; or
(c) any sum in respect of a pension, social service benefit or repatriation benefit paid or payable, consequent upon the death or injury, by any government or person; or
(d) in the case of the death of a passenger, any amount in respect of the acquisition by a family member of the passenger, consequent upon the passenger's death, of, or of an interest in, a dwelling used at any time as the home of that family member, or of, or of an interest in, the household contents of any such dwelling; or
(e) in the case of death, a premium that would have become payable under a contract of insurance in respect of the life of the deceased passenger if he or she had lived after the time at which he or she died.