The Board must revoke the classification of a film that has been classified taking into account an assessment prepared by an additional content assessor under subsection 14(5) if it is satisfied that:
(a) the additional content contains any classifiable elements that:
(i) were not brought to the Board's attention in accordance with paragraph 14(6)(a), (b) or (c) before the classification was made; or
(ii) were brought to the Board's attention in accordance with paragraph 14(6)(a), (b) or (c) before the classification was made but the assessment of the elements was misleading, incorrect or grossly inadequate; and
(b) if the Board had been aware of the matters mentioned in subparagraph (a)(i) or (ii) before the classification was made, it would have given the film a different classification.
Note: The regulations may prescribe circumstances in which an assessment is taken to be misleading, incorrect or grossly inadequate: see subsection 93(2).