(1) The Minister may enter into a bilateral agreement containing a provision relating to a listed migratory species only if:
(a) the Minister is satisfied that the provision is not inconsistent with the Commonwealth's obligations under whichever of the following conventions or agreements because of which the species is listed:
(i) the Bonn Convention;
(ii) CAMBA;
(iii) JAMBA;
(iv) an international agreement approved under subsection 209(4); and
(b) the Minister is satisfied that the agreement will promote the survival and/or enhance the conservation status of each species to which the provision relates; and
(c) the provision meets the requirements (if any) prescribed by the regulations.
(2) The Minister may accredit a management arrangement or an authorisation process under section 46 for the purposes of a bilateral agreement containing a provision relating to a listed migratory species only if:
(a) the Minister is satisfied that the management arrangement or authorisation process is not inconsistent with the Commonwealth's obligations under whichever of the following conventions or agreements because of which the species is listed:
(i) the Bonn Convention;
(ii) CAMBA;
(iii) JAMBA;
(iv) an international agreement approved under subsection 209(4); and
(b) the Minister is satisfied that the management arrangement or authorisation process will promote the survival and/or enhance the conservation status of each species to which the provision relates.