(1) After the submission period, the Authority must:
(a) do one of the following:
(i) approve the draft standard or draft variation;
(ii) approve the draft standard or draft variation subject to such amendments as the Authority considers necessary;
(iii) reject the draft standard or draft variation; and
(b) prepare a report under this section.
Note 1: The Board must not delegate its powers to act on behalf of the Authority under paragraph (a)--see section 150.
Note 2: The draft does not take effect except in accordance with a notice under section 92--see section 93.
(2) The Authority must have regard to all submissions made during the submission period in making a decision under subsection (1).
(3) The report must include each of the following:
(a) the reasons for initially accepting the application;
(b) a summary of the results of the Authority's assessment of the application;
(c) a summary of the submissions received by the Authority in relation to the draft standard or draft variation;
(d) the Authority's response to the issues raised in those submissions;
(e) whether the draft standard or draft variation was amended after submissions were made and, if so, the reasons for those amendments;
(f) the Authority's reasons for approving or rejecting the draft standard or draft variation;
(g) a copy of the draft standard or draft variation on which submissions were received;
(h) if the draft standard or draft variation was amended after submissions were made--a copy of the draft standard or draft variation as amended;
(i) if applicable--a Regulation Impact Statement.