This Subdivision sets out when you can obtain a roll - over if you transfer a CGT asset, or all the assets of a business, to a company. It also deals with the creation of a CGT asset in a company. There are consequences for the company also.
Table of sections
When is a roll - over available
122 - 15 Disposal or creation of assets--wholly - owned company
122 - 20 What you receive for the trigger event
122 - 25 Other requirements to be satisfied
122 - 35 What if the company undertakes to discharge a liability (disposal case)
122 - 37 Rules for working out what a liability in respect of an asset is
Replacement - asset roll - over if you dispose of a CGT asset
122 - 40 Disposal of a CGT asset
Replacement - asset roll - over if you dispose of all the assets of a business
122 - 45 Disposal of all the assets of a business
122 - 50 All assets acquired on or after 20 September 1985
122 - 55 All assets acquired before 20 September 1985
122 - 60 Assets acquired before and after 20 September 1985
Replacement - asset roll - over for a creation case
122 - 65 Creation of asset
Same - asset roll - over consequences for the company (disposal case)
122 - 70 Consequences for the company (disposal case)
Same - asset roll - over consequences for the company (creation case)
122 - 75 Consequences for the company (creation case)