(1) This Subdivision provides for when a * CGT asset of an entity of any of these kinds stops being a * pre - CGT asset:
(a) a company * shares in which (except shares that carry the right to a fixed rate of * dividend) are listed for quotation in the official list of an * approved stock exchange;
(b) a * publicly traded unit trust;
(c) a * mutual insurance company;
(d) a * mutual affiliate company;
(e) a company (other than one covered by paragraph (a)) all the * shares in which are beneficially owned, whether directly, or indirectly through one or more interposed entities, by one or more of the following:
(i) a company covered by paragraph (a);
(ii) a * mutual insurance company;
(iii) a * mutual affiliate company;
(iv) a * publicly traded unit trust;
(2) A publicly traded unit trust is a unit trust the units in which:
(a) are listed for quotation in the official list of an * approved stock exchange; or
(b) are ordinarily available for subscription or purchase by the public.
(3) This Division applies as if what is done or not done by the trustee of a * publicly traded unit trust had been done or not done by the trust.