This Subdivision has rules which make it easier for a widely held or eligible Division 166 company to satisfy the ownership tests in Subdivision 166 - D.
Special concessional tracing rules deem entities to hold the following stakes in the company so that the company does not have to trace through to the beneficial owners of the stakes:
(a) stakes of less than 10% in the company;
(b) stakes of between 10% and 50% that are held by widely held companies;
(c) stakes that are held by complying superannuation funds, complying approved deposit funds, special companies and managed investment schemes;
(d) stakes in interposed foreign listed companies that are held as bearer shares;
(e) stakes in interposed foreign listed companies that are held by depository entities.
Table of sections
Application of this Subdivision
166 - 220 Application of this Subdivision
Stakes of less than 10% in the tested company
166 - 225 Direct stakes of less than 10% in the tested company
166 - 230 Indirect stakes of less than 10% in the tested company
166 - 235 Voting, dividend and capital stakes
Stakes held directly and/or indirectly by widely held companies
166 - 240 Stakes held directly and/or indirectly by widely held companies
166 - 245 Stakes held by other entities
When identity of foreign stakeholders is not known
166 - 255 Bearer shares in foreign listed companies
166 - 260 Depository entities holding stakes in foreign listed companies
Other rules relating to voting power and rights
166 - 265 Persons who actually control voting power or have rights are taken not to control power or have rights
166 - 270 Single notional entity stakeholders taken to have minimum voting control, dividend rights and capital rights
166 - 272 Same shares or interests to be held
When the rules in this Subdivision do not apply
166 - 275 Rules in this Subdivision intended to be concessional
166 - 280 Controlled test companies