If one or more * R&D activities are conducted by or for an * R&D partnership during an income year, this Division applies in relation to each * R&D entity that is a partner of the R&D partnership at some time during the income year as if:
(a) the R&D activities were conducted by or for the partner in a corresponding way to the way the R&D activities were conducted by or for the R&D partnership; and
(b) the partner had relationships with other entities in relation to the R&D activities that corresponded to the relationships the R&D partnership had with those other entities in relation to the R&D activities; and
(c) a thing done by, or in relation to, the R&D partnership in relation to the R&D activities were a thing done by, or in relation to, the partner; and
(d) the R&D activities were neither:
(i) conducted by or for the R&D partnership; nor
(ii) conducted by or for any other partner of the R&D partnership; and
(e) such other changes were made to this Division as are appropriate having regard to that partner's proportion of amounts attributable to the R&D partnership.
Note 1: For the purposes of this Division, entities that are associates or affiliates of, or connected with, the R&D partnership are taken to be associates or affiliates of, or connected with, the partner (see paragraph (b)).
Note 2: For the purposes of this Division, payments and agreements made by the R&D partnership for the R&D activities are taken to be made by the partner (see paragraph (c)).