(a) a company ceases to be a * subsidiary member of a * consolidated group; and
(b) while the company was a subsidiary member, things happened in relation to an entity which, if section 701 - 1 (the single entity rule) were disregarded:
(i) would be * connected with the company; or
(ii) would be an * affiliate of the company; or
(iii) would have the company as an affiliate; and
(c) those things would, if section 701 - 1 were disregarded, have been taken into account in working out the company's * aggregated turnover for the purposes of section 355 - 100 (tax offsets for R&D); and
(d) the things are not also things that, because of section 701 - 40 (the exit history rule), are taken into account as things happening in relation to an eligible asset etc. (within the meaning of that section) of the company in working out for the entity core purposes the company's aggregated turnover for the purposes of section 355 - 100;
the things are to be taken into account in working out the company's aggregated turnover for the purposes of section 355 - 100.
Table of sections
716 - 800 Allocating amounts to periods if head company and subsidiary member have different income years
716 - 850 Grossing up threshold amounts for periods of less than 365 days
716 - 855 Working out the cost base or reduced cost base of a pre - CGT asset after certain roll - overs
716 - 860 CGT event straddling joining or leaving time