(1) If the total of all the * work expenses (including * laundry expenses, but excluding * travel allowance expenses and * meal allowance expenses) that you want to deduct is $300 or less, you can deduct them without getting written evidence or keeping travel records.
Note 1: If the total is more than $300, you need to substantiate all the work expenses, not just the excess over $300.
Note 2: Whether or not your work expenses total $300 or less, for certain expenses that are each $10 or less and total $200 or less you can get written evidence by making your own record, instead of getting a document from the supplier: see section 900 - 125.
(2) This limit can be increased from time to time by regulations made under section 909 - 1.
(3) A * transport expense that Subdivision 900 - I (Award transport payments) lets you deduct without following the rules in this Division does not count towards this limit.