The rules may provide for, or in relation to, any of the following:
(a) the lodgement of instruments and documents for registration, including any or all of the following:
(i) the form in which instruments and documents must or may be lodged;
(ii) any other matters affecting how instruments and documents must or may be lodged;
(iii) the information that must or may be provided with instruments and documents;
(iv) the certification of instruments and documents;
(v) other requirements to be satisfied for lodgement;
(b) the identification of instruments and documents lodged for registration, including authorising the First Parliamentary Counsel to do any or all of the following:
(i) adding a name to an unnamed instrument or document;
(ii) amending the name of an instrument or document;
(iii) adding anything to an instrument or document to assist in its identification;
(iv) doing anything else in relation to an instrument or document to assist users of the Register to identify or refer to the instrument or document;
(c) the withdrawal of lodgement of instruments or documents;
(d) the registration of Acts, instruments and documents;
(e) the refusal of registration of instruments and documents;
(f) alternative arrangements for the registration of Acts, instruments and documents in the event of technical difficulties;
(g) any other matter relating to the lodgement of instruments and documents;
(h) any other matter relating to the registration of Acts, instruments and documents.