Rule - makers
(1) In this Act, rule - maker , for an instrument, means:
(a) for an instrument made by the Governor - General that is made under enabling legislation (whether or not it may also be made under any other power)--the Minister currently responsible for administering the provision of the enabling legislation under which the instrument is made; or
(b) for an instrument made by the Governor - General, in any other case--the Prime Minister, or a Minister prescribed by regulation for the purposes of this paragraph; or
(c) for an instrument made by a person other than the Governor - General--a person currently authorised to make the instrument.
(2) In this Act, responsible person means:
(a) for an Act or a provision of an Act--the Minister currently responsible for administering the Act or provision; or
(b) for an instrument--the rule - maker for the instrument.
(3) If more than one Minister is currently responsible for administering an Act, or a provision of an Act:
(a) each of those Ministers is a responsible person for the Act or provision (as the case may be); and
(b) the performance of a function or duty under this Act (in relation to the Act or provision administered) by any of the Ministers discharges the function or duty.