(1) The functions of the Bureau are:
(a) the taking and recording of meteorological observations and other observations required for the purposes of meteorology; and
(b) the forecasting of weather and of the state of the atmosphere; and
(c) the issue of warnings of gales, storms and other weather conditions likely to endanger life or property, including weather conditions likely to give rise to floods or bush fires; and
(d) the supply of meteorological information; and
(e) the publication of meteorological reports and bulletins; and
(f) the promotion of the use of meteorological information; and
(g) the promotion of the advancement of meteorological science, by means of meteorological research and investigation or otherwise; and
(h) the furnishing of advice on meteorological matters; and
(i) co - operation with the authority administering the meteorological service of any other country (including a Territory specified under subsection 4(2)) in relation to any of the matters specified in the preceding paragraphs of this subsection ; and
(j) such other functions as are conferred on the Bureau by any other Act.
(2) The Burea u must pe rform its functions under this Act in the public interest generally and in particular:
(a) for the purposes of the Defence Fo rce; and
(b) for the purposes of navigation and shipping and of civil aviation; and
(c) for the purpose of assisting persons and authorities engaged in primary production, industry, trade and commerce.