(1) If:
(a) 2 persons are spouses or de facto partners of each other; and
(b) either:
(i) they are both removed or deported; or
(ii) one of them is deported and the other is removed;
each of them is liable to pay the Commonwealth the costs of their removals, their deportations, or the deportation and removal.
(2) If:
(a) 2 persons are spouses or de facto partners of each other; and
(b) either:
(i) they are both removed or deported; or
(ii) one is deported and the other is removed; and
(c) their dependent child, or dependent children, within the meaning of the regulations are also removed;
(d) the child or children are not liable to pay the Commonwealth the costs of the child's or children's removal; and
(e) the persons are liable to pay the Commonwealth those costs.
(3) If:
(a) a non - citizen is removed or deported; and
(b) the non - citizen either:
(i) does not have a spouse or de facto partner; or
(ii) does not have a spouse, or a de facto partner, who is deported or removed; and
(c) the non - citizen has a dependent child, or dependent children, within the meaning of the regulations who are removed;
(d) the child or children are not liable to pay the Commonwealth the costs of their removal; and
(e) the non - citizen is liable to pay the Commonwealth those costs.