(1) This Subdivision provides for the Minister to declare a person to be a prohibited employer for a specified period if:
(a) the person is subject to a migrant worker sanction; and
(b) no more than 5 years have passed since the person became subject to that sanction.
(2) Sections 245AYE to 245AYJ set out when a person is subject to a migrant worker sanction.
(3) While a declaration is in effect, a prohibited employer must not:
(a) allow certain additional non - citizens to begin work; or
(b) have a material role in a decision made by a body corporate or other body to allow certain additional non - citizens to begin work.
(4) After a person stops being a prohibited employer, the person must give the Department specified information about certain lawful non - citizens who the person allows to begin to work in the 12 month period after so ceasing.