In deciding whether the premium payable by an insured under a contract of insurance for particular cover is reasonable, regard is to be had to:
(a) the nature of the risks being assumed by the insurer; and
(b) the claims handling expenses, and other administrative expenses, the insurer has incurred and can reasonably be expected to incur; and
(c) the expenses the insurer can reasonably be expected to incur in obtaining appropriate reinsurance; and
(d) the expenses the insurer can reasonably be expected to incur in capital raising and prudential compliance; and
(e) the amount that represents a reasonable profit margin for the insurer; and
(f) the amount of any relevant taxes or statutory charges payable by the insurer; and
(g) the information provided, or not provided, to the insurer by the client in relation to matters relevant to assessing the risk being assumed by the insurer; and
(h) the amount that represents provisioning for future liabilities for medical indemnity cover that may be required to be offered under section 23 for a premium that does not reflect the cost of providing that medical indemnity cover; and
(i) the receipt, or probable receipt, of Commonwealth assistance in relation to provision of the medical indemnity cover; and
(j) such other matters as are specified in regulations made for the purposes of this paragraph.