Before making any national environment protection measure and not earlier than 30 days after the day on which paragraph 16(2)(b) has been fully complied with in all participating jurisdictions, the Council must prepare:
(a) a draft of the proposed measure; and
(b) an impact statement relating to the proposed measure that includes the following:
(i) the desired environmental outcomes;
(ii) the reasons for the proposed measure and the environmental impact of not making the measure;
(iii) a statement of the alternative methods of achieving the desired environmental outcomes and the reasons why those alternatives have not been adopted;
(iv) an identification and assessment of the economic and social impact on the community (including industry) of making the proposed measure;
(v) a statement of the manner in which any regional environmental differences in Australia have been addressed in the development of the proposed measure;
(vi) the intended date for making the proposed measure;
(vii) the timetable (if any) for the implementation of the proposed measure;
(viii) the transitional arrangements (if any) in relation to the proposed measure.